Baby Puppy Dog Nursery Theme Decorating Ideas
We have a few ideas for dog lovers who want a puppy dog nursery theme for their baby boy or baby girl. Where once upon a time snips and snails and puppy dog tails were strictly territory for little boys, there have been some concessions made and it's now considered equally as stylish and appropriate for a little girl to have a set of nursery bedding with a puppy design as it is for a baby boy to have a nursery decorated with puppies.
And there's quite a selection to pick from including those in chocolate brown and denim for a more masculine look. And then there are luscious French Poodle theme Parisian baby bedding sets for baby girls which are the ultimate in a feminine puppy theme nursery for girls.
Of course pink and baby blue color schemes are just the tip of the iceberg in color possiblities for dog themes (although you should know that black labs really shine in pink bedrooms as well as blue). Multi-colored baby quilts and modern puppy print fabrics are there to broaden your color palette to the farthest reaches of the rainbow.
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to see more baby bedding sets and ideas for decorating a puppy themed nursery for your baby boy or girl.
Of course, color selection is just part of designing a puppy dog nursery theme. The trick is to skillfully incorporate images and graphics that showcase your family's love of dogs into the room using puppy nursery bedding and bedroom decorations. It's just natural that your children will love animals just like mom and dad. Designing the nursery around the family pet may take a little planning.
As I mentioned earlier, French Poodles are a popular breed in dog bedding for girls. If your favorite family pet is a cute mixed breed one of the generic puppy baby bedding sets might work for you so long as you include plenty of puppy dog portraits in the room.
Some breeds are considered "girly", others masculine and then there are others that are neutral like the beloved Dachshund.
But that's not to say that this is the route you should take when your family favorite might be a Maltese, Boxer Bulldogs or the big blue hound from Blues Clues. Photos and art with your favorite breed as the subject can be used as the decorative foundation for most any color scheme.
How to Make Your Own DIY Puppy Baby Bedding Using Stencils
You can use puppy paw stencils to create a unique design on the nursery floor, create your own wallpaper border or turn a plain, white fitted crib sheet into a one-of-a-kind work of art using fabric paint.
This creative mom used fabric stenciling to design her own puppy dog themed fitted crib sheet. She used black paint on a white sheet but feel free to use any color combination that works for your project.
If you have a Blues Clues Nursery Theme, rather than using the usual black craft paint, stencil paw prints on your nursery floor using blue paint! Your baby will believe that he's had a visit from a cartoon celebrity.
Here's a craft idea that will help you to design your own "do it yourself" puppy dog fabric. Take any solid color baby bedding set (just as long as it's the best color you can find to blend with the nursery wall paint of course) and customize it with puppy paw prints! Using this stencil and fabric paint, sprinkle pawprints of various sizes on the crib set and baby pillow!
You can choose the most popular paint colors or any paints you would care to use and have a completely unique baby bedding set that you customized yourself! Are you artistic? Paint a few dog houses and put Fido's name over the door! What a great way to make your own puppy baby bedding for a very cheap price.
Create a little vignette in a corner of the nursery with a pretty park bench, a large tree stenciled on the wall for shade and a fake fire hydrant nearby.
For the sake of realism, some items with a tooth mark or two may be appropriate! Oh come on! Have you ever had a puppy that didn't leave a tooth mark somewhere?
If you have a particular type of dog in mind there are probably furniture pulls, hardware indicative of that breed from Scottie Dogs to Irish Setters! No matter which dog has claimed your heart, there are accessories available featuring the breed.
Some of the accessories to try with your puppy dog nursery theme are:
- Plush stuffed puppy dogs
- Dog bone pillows
- Make a wall arrangement of you with your favorite puppy from your childhood
- Make a puppy dog paw print baby quilt for baby's crib or for a wall hanging
Don't limit your search for accessories for your puppy dog nursery theme to baby centers, take a look in one of the pet super stores for ideas and inspiration.
Visit our main baby nursery themes page to see more ideas that will assist in creating your very own baby puppy dog nursery theme and remember to bookmark this site so that you will have no problems coming back to see more Unique Baby Gear Ideas.
Do you have a great set of baby bedding or a picture of a nursery that you decorated in a puppy dog theme? Share it!
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