Zebra Princess dream room!
by Hannah
(Marquette MI)
We had the ideas for our baby girl's zebra princess dream room and a budget amount set. With that information set forth to get everything we needed for the best price possible. We were on a very tight budget because my husband is still a student and I am a stay at home mom.
For the time being we have to watch our money very closely.
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With that in mind, we purchased all of our baby's furniture at the Ikea furniture store and bought what we could for less than 200 dollars.
We refused to be tempted and held to a strict budget because we wanted to be able to splurge a little more on her bedding.
I had dreamed of a princess themed nursery with zebra print bedding since I was a child myself. I feel so blessed to finally have decorated such a pretty princess room where my little girl can grow up! And I'm proud that I did it without spending a ton of money, too!
We bought all of the pieces in the bedding collection that we liked which cost us around $375 all together.
Nursery Chandelier and Curtains
We ordered her window treatments and princess chandelier ceiling light online and got a great discounted price!
The details of her room such as the area rug and name blocks were all custom made. We also found them online and got a great low price from vendors on Etsy.
We saved several hundred dollars by shopping and comparing the prices of things we found and liked online and simply just taking our time. By taking our time we found the best deals on items as they went on sale. It really paid off for us to plan ahead so that we could take our time and still have things ready for when the baby arrived.
It took us a couple of months to complete her room but was great for me because I had something to keep me busy.