World Map Wall Stickers and Rugs with Fabric For World Map Crib Bedding
World map crib bedding, wall stickers and rugs will make a baby's travel themed nursery fun and interesting. We have an example of a crib quilt that has all of the continents appliqued on a crib quilt.
World Travel Nursery Theme Ideas
Plus, if you are smart (and we all know that you are!) there are resources for free supplies for your DIY crafts projects that will require digging through some old books in the secondhand store but who doesn't love that?
There are many nursery themes where a set of world map crib bedding will be right at home.
Imagine pointing out and telling your little ones about various places of interest in the many countries that the two of you will travel to while snuggling in the nursery's glider.
Go here to get
world map baby bedding, patterns and quilting supplies for a crib quilt with map appliques.
Of course if you plan to decorate the nursery floor, nursery walls and tables with rugs, posters and world globes the baby cribset may well need to be a solid or very tiny print. Maps are educational, but you can have way too much of a good thing if you know what I mean. A little goes a long way when you're working with any given motif for baby nursery decor. World map crib bedding sets are very active prints, so choose your accessories carefully especially if you are working with smaller baby bedrooms.
Some framed posters showing the continents may not be very interesting to your infant for a long time, but who can say that he will not retain this image? I have customers who tell me all the time that their toddlers or pre-schooler remembers the decorations from their bedroom walls exactly. Isn't that the best reason of all to use educational items for decorations in your baby's nursery decor?
If your budget for nursery design will not allow for a set of custom bedding with all the matching accessories, do not despair. There are so many ways to incorporate vintage (read: flea market finds) items into the mix so that you can have exactly the look that you crave!
- Make your rounds of the second hand stores and pick up a nice globe on a brass stand for display on a nursery table
- Buy a couple of yards of fabric printed with a world map and whip up a valance for the nursery windows
- Place a small map themed rug on the nursery floor so that baby will have a soft place to play and have his playtime geography lesson!
Many old world map bedding sets come printed with pictures of animals or landmarks printed in the proper position along with animals that might be found living wild in the area. To help find your way, a ship's compass is found in the legend.
If you can't find a set of world map baby bedding ready to use, there are printed fabrics that you can buy. Even if you are not an accomplished seamstress, whip up a duvet cover and use it to cover a baby blanket or quilt that you have on hand. This is not a challenging project at all!
Please visit Unique Baby Gear Ideas when your nursery project is completed to upload pictures of your world map crib bedding if you choose to make it yourself using the form on this page provided for your convenience.
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