Welsh Crib Spring Frame Replacement Parts

by Deb M
(Macon, GA)

We are looking for Welsh Crib spring frame replacement parts for our Welsh Crib, model number 7453, Lot 8197. This was my son's baby crib. He is now 26 and we want to use it for our grandchild.

The problem is that we are missing the the bottom springs/base for our crib.

What we need is the bottom piece that would support the crib mattress.

Go here to see an inventory of mattress support springs .

Can you help us find the part that holds the mattress in place so that we can keep this crib in the family?

Please share any resources or advice you can regarding the Welsh Crib spring frame replacement parts that we need using the form below provided by Unique Baby Gear Ideas.

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Welsh Juvenile Products Contact Information
by: Anonymous

I found an older post that said Welsh Juvenile Products phone number is 314-231-8822.

The post said that their physical address is:

Welsh Juvenile Products
1535 S. 8th Street
St. Louis, MO 63104

The post is a few years old but you might give it a try.

You might also check to be certain that your crib was not part of a recall before going further.

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Unique Baby Gear Ideas advises everyone to never use drop side baby cribs. It is illegal to buy, sell or use a drop side crib. If you own a drop side crib, please disassemble it and dispose of it at the local city or county waste dump.

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