Best Customized Unique Baby Shower Invitations

Why would you settle for average invites and announcements when you can make unique baby shower invitations that are truly special and one of a kind. Our busy schedules make it so tempting to stop off at the paper goods aisle on our way to the checkout line at our local discount store to grab a few packages of generic cards that we can address to our friends.
These cheap invites will serve the purpose. Fill in the details, address the envelope, stick a stamp in the corner and pop it in the mailbox and your work is done. One more item ticked off of your "to do" list and all is well. This method is certainly time efficient and affordable (which is very desirable when watching pennies and your time) but wouldn't it be nice to send an invite that your guests would feel guilty about tossing in the trash?
If you have room in your party budget to order personalized, custom baby shower invitations chances are all that will be required is a quick phone call or email to one of the many printers whose job is to cater to the needs of hostesses. For those of us with less cash to work with, here are some ideas for creative touches that will transform those inexpensive cards into pretty invites that are more personal and well..inviting.

Perhaps the most unique baby shower invitations of all are cards that include pictures of the baby. For showers that take place after the birth, ask the mom for her favorite from baby’s first photo shoot to have printed on the front of the card or to include with your invitation. If baby hasn’t been born yet, an ultrasound picture or a pregnant belly pic will work. Wouldn't the occasion would seem more festive if the postman had delivered a personalized, unique baby shower invitation that would be a joy to display on the refrigerator or the family bulletin board for a week or so?

I'm sure that you agree so here are a few baby shower invitation ideas that will make that dream a reality.

Most of the cards that you buy at a party store keep the wording simple as a necessity. One of the best ways to jazz things up a bit is to include a short baby shower poem or verse in addition to the necessary details indicating the time, date and place of the party. Relatives might enjoy seeing a familiar family saying that can be attributed to a beloved grandmother or other ancestor while friends would get a chuckle out of a funny poem.

You can dress plain cards up with the addition of a tiny pink or blue bow that you put in place with the help of your glue gun. If the sex of the baby isn’t known, lavender, green or yellow or any other gender neutral color will work nicely.

Another idea would be to tuck a homemade bookmark inside the card or perhaps to attach a tiny charm to the card with a ribbon as a keepsake for your guest.

Unique baby shower invitations don’t have to be prohibitively expensive to be special. With a little thought and imagination you can easily impress everyone on your guest list without digging too deep into your budget.

Before you buzz off to the crafts store to get supplies, I hope that you will take a moment to see the creative baby nursery ideas that visitors to this website have shared and that you will come back soon and show us your unique baby shower invitations using the form on this page!

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