by India
Bright Orange and Lime Green Crabs, Palm Trees and Sea Turtles Baby Nursery Theme Walls Picture
The under the sea wall mural for the nursery that my husband and I designed matches my baby girl's crib set but it actually has nothing to do with the beach, sea life or even watersports.
Our winters here are very long, dark and cold so my idea was to decorate the baby's nursery to be a bright and sunny spot even if the snow was piled in drifts outside.
The arrangement that includes a crab, palm tree and sea turtle that we stenciled on the bright yellow walls accomplished our goal.
See what is available to 
use in decorating your own under the sea nursery theme.
You will notice that the stripes we painted right below where the ceiling and wall meets were painted using the colors that frame the characters in the under the sea wall mural stenciling technique.
The color scheme of the modern baby bedding is not an exact duplication of the colors that we used for the wall mural, but they are close especially the lime green taken from the squares on the bumper pad and the periwinkle blue that we took from the polka dots for the palm tree stencil.
I could not picture a dark crib in the middle of all the bright and cheerful colors, so we went with white for our
baby's ocean nursery theme.
This easy under the sea wall mural really gave our
baby girl's nursery a cheerful, tropical look and I thank
Unique Baby Gear Ideas for giving me the idea!