Tigger, Winnie the Pooh and Friends!
by Sarah
Winnie the Pooh Bear, Tigger and Friends Baby Nursery
My husband and I chose a Tigger, Winnie the Pooh and Friends nursery theme because it is gender neutral and will never go out of style. The story of Pooh never gets old and I still enjoy it even as an adult. This cast of storybook characters have been around for many years, and I have no doubt that they will be around for years to come.
My love of Pooh Bear is nothing new; I have Tigger, Winnie the Pooh and Friends themed decorations that were used to decorate my nursery when I was a baby which I have included in my little one's room.
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that can be used to decorate your baby's room in a Winnie the Pooh theme.
I always took very good care of the Winnie the Pooh stuffed animals that were in my room as a child, so they were in "like new" condition and ready to entertain my little one. In addition to them, I received some Tigger, Winnie the Pooh and Friends plush toys as gifts at my baby shower and a friend bought the crib mobile. Some of the decorations were bargains that I picked up at yard sales and the Goodwill store.
I bought the furniture and decorations for the nursery little by little shopping first for the big ticket items like the crib and furniture. I found a crib, a nursery glider and then some wall shelves where I could display my baby's keepsakes as well as plenty of Tigger, Winnie the Pooh and Friends stuffed animals.
Then I looked at discount stores like Wal-Mart and Toys R Us for the decorative accessories and found a cute Pooh lamp, and the Tigger rocking horse. I also was happy to find a gender neutral set of
Winnie the Pooh Baby bedding set that had various shades of green rather than baby blue or pink.
After I was done shopping, I had the finer details of the Winnie the Pooh theme ready to go.
Painting and Decorating the Winnie the Pooh Nursery Walls
The nursery is painted with a neutral tan color that is a shade or two lighter than what we chose for the floor covering. After the painting was done we hung a a Tigger, Winnie the Pooh and Friends wallpaper border about a foot or so below crown molding height and randomly added some wall stickers to break it up and add interest.
Pooh Bear Nursery Rugs and Flooring Choices
The flooring in the nursery was a neutral shade so we used a very colorful nursery rug that matched the colors in the wall hanging behind the crib.
There are a few small items in the room that are not officially Pooh products but blend well with the theme such as the baby wipes box and a Tigger all in one toy which is a blanket, and a pillow as well as a stuffed toy. On the pink dollhouse shelf, there is a display of pictures, a baby piggy bank,a few stuffed animals and cards from all the people who couldn't wait for our little angel to be born.
Next to the shelf is a little area with a big stuffed Piglet,Pooh Bear,Tigger, and bunny rabbit that sit together. On either side of the room, there are animal nets filled with an assortment of Tigger, Winnie the Pooh and Friends stuffed animals.
Most of what I have in the room was designed or bought on impulse. In the months before she was born, I was always on the lookout for new Tigger, Winnie the Pooh and Friends themed decorations for the nursery. I acquired a few things at a time and as we went along, the nursery began to shape up into something beautiful and I'm very proud and pleased with how my baby girl's classic baby Pooh nursery turned out!
I saw so many cute nurseries on
Unique Baby Gear Ideas that helped me to get the look that I wanted and I hope that my pictures will help someone else in the same way.