The Skinny on Hand Painted Nursery Wall Letters
by Angela Rush
(Georgia )
Today, Unique Baby Gear Ideas is bringing you the skinny on hand painted nursery wall letters by Rush & Mathis Custom Designs. These creations are so cute and can personalize kids' rooms in any theme or color scheme.
Angela's work caught my eye while searching for nursery wall letters for a project that I am working on.
The colorful letters that Angela painted featuring monkeys riding motorcycles will add an element of fun to any kid's room or nursery.
The idea to combine two very popular nursery themes like monkeys and dirt bikes is nothing short of genius!

Owl Nursery Decor Ideas Owl crib sets are an all time favorite with parents who are always looking for decorations that blend with their chosen collection without being too "matched". The beauty of Angela's hand painted nursery wall letters is that she can match colors and her designs are one-of-a-kind.
About the Business
The business was formed when Angela wanted a letter "R" for "Rush" for herself when she married.
This letter "R" has a western feel that would work well in a cowboy or cowgirl themed room.
Here is a picture of the back of the letter and the hanger.
The mark of quality of any item is often displayed on the side that is not for "show". I just hate it when items look ugly on the back side which is definitely not the case with Angela's work!
She shopped around and just could not find that perfect piece so she made one! When her granddaughter was born she then made her initials and so it began. Friends and family all wanted her to create their letters and encouraged her to set up a Facebook business page to broaden her circle of contacts and spread the joy!
Rush & Mathis Custom Designs' Mission Statement
The way Rush & Mathis operates is that people that visit her Facebook Business page or call her (phone 404-4 three 5-3135) will tell her
what type and size letter they need and what theme and colors they want and then she works her magic.
The word is that her business' complaint box is empty; everyone has nothing but good things to say and just loves how she brings their own unique ideas to life.
Attention to Details and Quality
Perhaps the reason that the crickets are chirping in her lonely "Complaint Box" is that she nit picks every letter before she sends it to her customers. Her policy is that if you receive a piece that is broken during shipping then it is replaced for free. All you have to do is send pictures of the damage and she's on it! This is an unlikely scenario since she wraps each letter carefully in bubble wrap to ensure a safe arrival.
Please like and share her page that can be found at to be notified of specials and to see in stock patterns and finished projects. Please contact them to order custom pieces similar to the ones featured on this page by
Unique Baby Gear Ideas for your home. Shipping at Rush & Mathis Custom Designs is always free within the USA and it is very easy to make payments through Paypal.