Sweet Safari Nursery Theme

by Jennifer
(Kalamazoo, MI)

Sweet African Safari Baby NurseryTheme Bedding and Decor

Sweet African Safari Baby NurseryTheme Bedding and Decor

There are so many unique elements to this baby's sweet safari nursery theme that I don't whether to start describing how we chose the baby bedding or the the giraffe sihouettes on the walls!


The first step in designing the nursery was to paint a leopard print wall. To balance the wild animal print, on the opposite wall I used a gradient painting technique in the colors of an African sunset overlaid with large giraffe and tree silhouettes. These decorations are custom made vinyl wall decals that can easily be removed if at a later date we decide that we no longer want the African Safari nursery decor. We realize that there will be a time when our little outgrows our jungle nursery ideas.

After I was satisified with the walls of my baby's Safari nursery theme I reupholstered the rocker using a Zebra print chenille fabric.

In addition to the other decorations, I also made the the bubble curtains and boppy pillow cover along with the bumper and accent pillows!

From the webmaster:

Jennifer, the gradient wall painting technique that you used for your jungle nursery theme is remarkable! Can you please give us more details on how you achieved that effect AND how you painted the leopard print wall?

Thanks so much for sharing your Safari themed baby nursery ideas and I'm looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Leopard Print
by: Anonymous


This is a really nice room, which stencil did you use for the leopard print?

Thank you

colors used?
by: Erin

I love the colors! Do you recall the names or formulas of the two shades of orange and yellow you used? I would love to try this! :)

Gradient colors
by: Jennifer

For the gradient wall colors, two colors (yellow & orange) were mixed a variety of times.

Giraffe & tree
by: Jennifer

The giraffe and tree are hand painted on, not vinyls. :)

paint colors
by: kenya-mom

I love your idea!! What colors did you use to get this look? Are there two orange colors and a white or are there three orange colors?

Wall decals
by: Anonymous

Where did you get your custom vinyl giraffe and tree from?

Leopard Print Wall
by: Anonymous

To create the leopard print wall, I used a repeating wall stencil purchased at iStencils.com. I chose a color a shade darker and a shinier sheen than the base color. Be sure to use spray stencil adhesive and a 6" sponge roller, worked best for me!

Wall paint techniques
by: Jennifer Weyenberg

The gradient wall was easy in theory...

1. Tape off your baseboards, using the painter's blue tape, if you do not want them to be part of the design.

2. Using white or the lightest color you want to use, paint a horizontal area of an equal width from one side of the wall to another with a roller, starting at the ceiling.

3. Using the next-darker color, paint a horizontal band from one side of the wall to another, of equal width.

4. Wet the paint brush or sea sponge with water. Brush or sponge should be moist but not too wet.

5. Blur the lines between one band of color and the next using the wet paint brush or sea sponge. Rinse off the brush or sea sponge until the water runs clear between uses. That way you get only the colors you are blurring at that moment on the wall.

6. As you move lower on the wall, use progressively darker paint or add more and more of the darker paint to the white paint to achieve the gradient effect.

7. Continue painting a horizontal band of the next darker color and blurring the transition with the paint brush until you have completed your wall.

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