Twinkle Star Lights for a Baby Girl Nursery Ceiling That Shine Softly Making the Room Seem to Glow
The ceiling is an excellent place to install star lights for a baby girl nursery that shine ever so softly. These tiny pinpoints of twinkling lights shimmer over the baby's crib giving the room a glow that most mommies-to-be never dreamed possible, at least while inside in the comfort and safety of their homes.
Nothing short of a night spent outdoors, in the open looking up at the night sky can compare with this display of unique fiber optic lights.
One mom wondered if this
nursery lighting technique would be appropriate for her
baby girl nursery as she had no plans to paint the ceiling baby blue.
Star Lights for a Baby Girl Nursery
The ceiling in this nursery picture has been painted a light shade of brown that reflects the fabric in the baby bedding and tab-top nursery curtains. Star lights for a nursery will look amazing no matter what color the ceiling is painted since once the room is dark; all you will see are the "stars" and the background color is not important.
As you can see, a blue sky with clouds is not necessary. Take a moment to think and you will quickly realize that in nature we don't see the light blue of the sky at night; the stars are sprinkled over the dark, neutral color background and the same holds true indoors.
Starscape, the company that sells and installs these lights (in many different applications), indicates that the key to showing the night sky in the baby's room to full advantage is to eliminate all other sources of light including light from the hallway or natural light from the sun during the day.
Unique Baby Gear Ideas has several pictures of nurseries that feature Starscape's ceiling lighting that should give you an idea of the many ways it can be used to create a stunning focal point and atmosphere in your little one's room including accurate placement of the lights that showcase constellations to "twinkle cloth" and other products.
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