Star Baby Mobile Ideas for Many Popular Nursery Themes
I was shopping for a star baby mobile for a celestial moon and stars nursery. I found some really cute ones that I like but LOVE this one that would look really good hanging in the corner of my sun room, but I digress; it's not always about decorating my home.
The advantages of this item are that the neutral colors would eliminate the usual problems of coordinating it to the colors of the baby bedding set (that the mom-to-be adores in spite of the fact that, in her opinion, the crib mobile that is included in the collection is boring, ugly and/or unacceptable).
Not being a fan of "match-y, match-y" decor; I'm in sync with her ideas; this one is definitely none of those things.
This mobile displays 16 paper stars that have been made out of white paper. Hold the phone; I just love anything origami but am fumble fingered when it comes to crafts; this crib mobile will be at the top of my moon and stars nursery inspiration board.
It's handmade and it's a little pricey because you are paying for the time it takes some crafty person to fold the paper and assemble the
star baby mobile for you and not just for the supplies.
It goes without saying that if you have a resource for a wire frame, paper and can follow instructions you could make your own hanging mobile with
origami stars. The 8 pointed stars are so beautiful and
the colors of the 8 pointed modular stars are stunning..enough to inspire the most reluctant crafter on the planet..ME!
Make Your Own Wire Mobile Hanger from a Clothes Hanger
There are lots of instructions and tutorials on the web for making mobile frames and hangers but in my opinion; most of them look just like bent, wire clothes hangers because that's what they are! But being the good webmaster that I am; I slogged through a bunch until I found a tutorial that will show my sweet visitors to
how to make a wire baby mobile hanger that is really good looking! There are some instructions on the same page for making felt stars, too if you're interested.
Nursery Themes Where a Hanging Star Mobile Will Shine
There are a number of baby boy nursery themes as well as baby girl nursery themes where this decoration would really shine (get it? Stars? Shine?). A similar mobile with black origami stars would look amazing in a Rock and Roll Star is Born Nursery like this one decorated in red and black.

and Roll Star is Born Guitar Nursery Theme
In a moon and stars nursery decorated by a mom and dad that "wished upon a star" for their baby and their wish came true.
You might add a crescent moon shape to the stars to reflect this theme. What a sweet reminder for mom and dad that their dreams have come true.
The beauty of learning origami and making the stars for your hanging mobile is that you are free to choose any color or texture paper that works with the decor.
Iridescent paper that sparkles or "glow in the dark" stars would be an excellent choice for this room.
Whether you choose to buy or make your own star baby mobile; I'm sure that it will be perfect for your little one's room! Please return to
Unique Baby Gear Ideas to share photos of your DIY baby mobile when you're done.
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