Best Sports Theme Baby Shower Ideas
Here’s where to get your ticket to our sports theme baby shower ideas! For the very cheap price of attendance (free) you get a ringside seat and a firsthand look at party supplies, decorations and we may throw in a few menu suggestions and some baby gift ideas.
Go here to see
more ideas for decorating a sports theme baby shower for a boy.
Sports Cake Ideas
Of all the many baby shower cakes, if I had to recommend a good cake for beginners, a sports cake is, well, a piece of cake. They are very easy to make yourself. By nature they are generally smooth surfaced, have very little detail and many times an investment in one single cake pan will cover several different sports from golf and baseball to soccer.
Sports Baby Shower Games
If you are hosting a couples shower outdoors, some friendly competition where the guys can (are forced to!) take place and the ladies can cheer for their heroes might be fun. Depending on the interests of your particular group, this could be anything from horseshoes to croquet. If the shower is planned for evening or indoors, sports trivia games are excellent choices.
Sports Baby Shower Invitations
When personalized and printed in colors that carry out the color scheme of your sports theme party supplies and decorations, tickets are the very best and certainly the most fitting way to invite your guests to your event. Keeping things on course and in keeping with your sports theme baby shower from the very start is one reason that ticket invitations are a good idea the other reason is that they are cheap to print and you can personalize them to your heart’s content!
Sports Theme Baby Shower Decorations
Before you make a list and certainly before you jump in the car to go buy out all the sports themed decorations at the party supply store, canvass your friends’ and neighbors’ attics and carports for old sports equipment, pennants and posters that you might use in decorating your sports theme baby shower venue. You will be amazed at how festive some Mylar balloons filled with helium tied to the face mask of some scratched up football helmets can be when grouped as an arrangement especially when surrounded by colorful (in your team’s colors?) confetti.
Sports Theme Baby Shower Favors
Personalized, monogrammed sports water bottles are always a winner. But if you order them they can be rather expensive especially if you expect a large turnout to your party. You can make your own (cheap) sports theme baby shower favors by decorating your own plastic water bottles. This is one instance where making your own party favors will save big bucks! All it takes is a list of your guests, plastic water bottles and waterproof markers in cute colors. Jazz them up with colorful letters and monograms. Another idea is to take your cues from free sports theme clipart online and draw some pictures of sporting equipment on your favors if you are artistic. Plain initials will work if you are not into crafts.
Sports Theme Baby Shower Menu Ideas
If the weather is nice, nothing says SPORTS like a backyard Barbeque. Present the lucky dad with a sports theme chef’s apron and allow the guest of honor to show off his cooking skills while the ladies share ideas for a sports theme nursery and baby crib bedding set. If the new daddy is not an accomplished grill master, hamburgers and hotdogs or any casual entrees that might be enjoyed at a football, baseball or basketball game are appropriate and in keeping with your theme.
Please return to Unique Baby Gear Ideas to share pictures taken at your sports theme shower!
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