Red Nursery Decorating Ideas

by Brin

Could someone please help me think of some red nursery decorating ideas that would work year round but that I could dress up with traditional holiday colors of red and green at Christmas?


From the Webmaster:

You don't mention whether you need red nursery themes and color schemes for a baby boy or a baby girl so when you stop back by if you could share that information it would be very helpful. But here are some decor recommendations to consider for either.

Some red nursery decorating ideas that I have seen used for boys involve red trucks, tractors or even fire trucks. So long as you were careful with the accent colors, it would be simple to add your Christmas colors and make a baby boy's room festive with silver and gold or greenery.

I see more mothers decorating with hot pink bedding and decor for their baby girls than red and it would be just as easy to add the same holiday colors that I mentioned for a boy's red nursery theme to a rosy pink room for a girl. Think pink poinsettia and you will get an idea of what I mean.

Of course, if you have your heart set on red nursery decorating ideas that is doable in any number of popular themes but you may need to make your own red nursery bedding or have it made.

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