Purple Baby Nursery Ideas
for Baby Girls
DIY Purple Nursery Décor, Design and Crafts Tips
We have some excellent purple baby nursery ideas for the mom who is expecting a baby girl. Some of you may be wondering why a mom-to-be would allow the chance to decorate a room in pastel yellow, pink or baby blue to slip through their fingers and that's understandable.
However, many of our visitors are not first time moms. Many of the moms-to-be that stop by have not one but perhaps two or more older daughters that probably had the traditional pink princess nursery room.
These ladies are considering purple nursery décor because it's different.
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crib sets and ideas for mixing and matching fabric patterns and colors with purple.
It's very rare that a solid purple crib set works well in a
baby girl's nursery. The addition of fabric with a print that includes just a touch of purple via a fitted crib sheet or ruffled crib skirt is almost always necessary to get the look that my clients want for the space.
Add your own unique touches to the project by painting a used baby armoire purple, black and white.
Then, sew a crib skirt using fabrics that you match to the paint colors rather than using pieces that come with a store bought collection. This nursery has a beautiful example of a DIY ruffled crib skirt and there is a
ruffled crib skirt sewing tutorial that will get you started.
The occasional touch of bright green as an accent color introduced via throw pillows adds interest to this baby girl's room.
Large floral wall decals are both budget friendly and eye-catching.
A Small Purple Nursery for a Baby Girl is made to seem more spacious by using a mini-crib..
The purple accent wall has been painted with a dusty purple paint color that reflects the colors of the baby bedding set which complement the neutral beige color of the three remaining walls..
The tree and owl wall decals in this nursery were made using scraps of fabric.
The tree branches, leaves and owl cut-outs are applied to the wall using a homemade starch solution.
Lavender, Lilac and Purple Baby Nursery Ideas
On this page we have provided examples of nurseries decorated in dark purple as well as lighter shades of lavender and lilac. Remember to consider the size and availability of natural light in a room before choosing dark colors.
In this baby girl's room purple elephants and hot air balloons are the stars of the show.
Purple provides a neutral background for the brightly colored hot air balloon baby mobile.
I hope that visitors to
Unique Baby Gear Ideas have picked up some tips for decorating a nursery for their baby girl and will stop by to see us again soon to check for the latest pictures that parents upload to our gallery.
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