Pink and Turquoise Baby Girl Nursery Decor
by Jan
The white, pink and turquoise nursery decor that are in the photos I have posted on this page is, for lack of a better description, refreshing! Every stripe, edge and detail in this baby girl's room is perfectly defined and every color beautifully balanced.
Let's get going because there is so much to see starting with the true turquoise striped crib skirt.
Go here to see more
The color of the initial "M" in the wall arrangement is just precious and complements the nursery wall color, Olympic Irish Lace beautifully.

Kelly's crafty friend, Emily, picked up the cardboard letter from Joann (and got a 40% off discount with a coupon), wrapped it with turquoise tulle and VOILA! Perfection! The white frames were $1 yard sale finds and, you guessed it; they did their own matting and framing. I'm so in awe of these imaginative people and so happy I found them so that I can share their adorable craft ideas with all of you!

Kelly made the crib skirt from
Lulu Stripe True Turquoise Fabric
and she has a sewing tutorial on her blog that will show you how to sew one of your very own for your baby's nursery using the fabric of your choice.
If the crib skirt impressed you, as I'm sure it did; the nursery curtains are sure to be a hit.
How to Make Your Own Nursery Curtains
Kelly made the sun blocking curtains herself from Cotton Anna Maria Horner Fabric in the Summer Totem Tart Pattern.
She has a complete tutorial on how to sew back-tab curtain panels on her blog that is accessible from her nursery reveal page. Her window treatments are proof positive that you can make your own blackout nursery curtains that are as pretty as they are functional.

The nursery rocker and dresser that you see in this photo were picked up on Craigslist. Kudos to this smart mom for having the skills to find an upholstered Pottery Barn chair and a sweet dresser like that on Craigslist!
Kelly made the pinwheel art in hopes that Mila Jane will enjoy watching them spin on visits to the changing table. Can you believe that the pinwheels actually work? Well, they do and Kelly has a (wonderful) tutorial on how to make them on her blog,
The View Along the Way.
I hope that all the wonderful DIY and crafts projects that we saw in Kelly's pink and turquoise baby girl nursery decor will inspire you to use your sewing machine or try your hand at some crafts and create some unique decorations for your own decorating project.
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Unique Baby Gear Ideas to visit her blog, please take a moment to comment on her baby girl nursery pictures to let her know how much you like her designs.