Parts for an Echelon Cambridge Crib

by Vincent

Cambridge Echelon Monarch Flat 4 in 1 Model # MON00 Baby Crib Owner's Assembly Instructions Manual Diagram

Cambridge Echelon Monarch Flat 4 in 1 Model # MON00 Baby Crib Owner's Assembly Instructions Manual Diagram

How can I get replacement parts for an Echelon Cambridge Crib? The diagram from the owner's assembly instructions manual above is a Cambridge Echelon Monarch Flat 4 in 1 Model # MON00 Baby Crib.

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Echelon crib parts and conversion rails kits for an Echelon baby crib.

If anyone has any ideas where I might find the parts for an Echelon Cambridge crib that I want to buy or maybe some parts that they are willing to share, please let me know using the form below that has been provided by Unique Baby Gear Ideas.

Thanks! Vince

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Parts for Echelon Cribs and Nursery Furniture
by: Anonymous

Those of us looking for parts for Echelon Cribs and Nursery Furniture may be out of luck since Echelon Furniture went out of business several years ago.

I was able to convert our Echelon crib using some conversion rails I found

I contacted several furniture stores that carried their products to see if they had contact information for them with no luck. However, one of the distributors did suggest that since Heritage Baby Products, the company that bought out Munire (which was the parent company of Echelon) might have some parts and/or conversion kits or rails for some models.

The emails have been sent but as of yet the customer service department for Heritage Baby Products has not responded yet.

It is very frustrating to pay extra for a nice crib with the thought that it will last our children for years only to have the manufacturer go out of business. Lesson learned is to request extra parts and buy the conversion kit as soon as you get home to avoid future problems.

Good luck to you!

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Unique Baby Gear Ideas advises everyone to never use drop side baby cribs. It is illegal to buy, sell or use a drop side crib. If you own a drop side crib, please disassemble it and dispose of it at the local city or county waste dump.

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