Paper Lanterns and Polka Dots Nursery
by Jan
Paper Lanterns, Pom Poms and Polka Dots Custom Fabric Wall Decals Complement the Green and White Chevron Stripes and Black and White Damask Pattern of Amy's Baby Boy's Crib Bedding Set
aper Lanterns, Pom Poms and Colorful Fabric Birds Baby Nursery Mobile
Baby boy bee theme nursery decorated with black and white damask print and zebra print with custom crib bedding set
Baby Boy name banner on the nursery wall made with rosette dies from Lifestyle Crafts
Paper lanterns and polka dots nursery wall decorations are just a few of the features that moms will want to make for their baby's room. And yes, you CAN make the fabric polka dot wall circles yourself out of the fabric you have in your stash or even better, the fabric that's leftover from making your baby's crib set.
Get the Supplies for These DIY Projects Here!
An inexpensive baby mobile created with inexpensive paper lanterns and pom poms is enhanced with colorful, tropical fish.
Change the colors and decorations added according to your own taste and nursery decor.
The three fabrics used in combination to make the crib bedding and the matching fabric wall decorations are:
1. Premier Prints Dandie Dot True Turquoise Fabric (Polka Dots fabric)
2. Premier Prints Traditions White/Navy Blue Fabric (Damask pattern fabric)
3. Premier Prints Zig Zag Chartreuse/White Fabric (chevron pattern fabric)
They may not be easier than using peel and stick nursery wall decals but did you read the part where I mentioned "left over" and "already on hand"? Yes, dear visitors, there's a little work involved but they are so easy to make, cheap PLUS your nursery has that custom look that all new mothers want and just like decals; they won't damage the wall's paint. Renters, rejoice!
And the fabric wall decals are much easier than painting polka dots on the wall especially since the mom that made the fabric circles that you see in the above pictures has a tutorial on her
Positively Splendid blog sharing step-by-step instructions with us including patterns and tutorials for the
crib skirt.
The ruffled crib skirt is so amazing that it deserved its own closeup and Amy made it herself! It has 16 sections of ruffles! She has instructions for how to make the crib skirt on her blog but she says that before you jump in that you should be ready to spend some time on it. The tutorial includes instructions for standard sewing machines and sergers.
And if all that weren't enough; I saved (in my opinion) the very, very best for last.
The pennant window valance really puts the finishing touch on the room, doesn't it? Of COURSE it does! Here's a closeup pic of it so you can see all of the details and how beautifully the fabrics complement each other!
I'm really excited about the pennant tutorial because that's a project that a beginner, (read: sewing dummy) such as myself might actually be able to complete successfully!
All in all, this baby boy's nursery
IS Positively Splendid as is everything his talented mom creates.
Hold on! We haven't seen all that there is to see of the Amy's
baby nursery ideas.
Amy emailed today and said we can run a feature on the entire room possibly as early as next week! I can't wait to see more of her baby boy's nursery ideas and to get more details on that sweet black and white damask print and chevron stripe baby bedding set that she made for her son, George so bookmark us, come back soon and don't forget to vote for this room to win this year's
baby picture contest.