Outstanding Blue and Taupe Nursery with DIY Copycat Baby Bedding
by AKC
Baby blue taupe and white baby nursery decor with homemade crib bedding set.
Beautiful taupe and baby blue nursery bedding set in chevron stripes polka dots and modern floral pattern fabrics.
Beautiful taupe and baby blue nursery bedding set custom made by grandmother.
This baby boy's adorable blue and taupe nursery has several "copycat" DIY projects that are easy enough for even non-sewing beginners to master. They even inspired me to break out my craft supplies. To say the room's design "knocked me out" may be an understatement. The color scheme, the furniture, the crib set, the DIY curtains and covered ottoman projects; everything is impressive.
From the faux table that Jane scored at Goodwill and transformed to the DIY copycat baby bedding set that her ultra-talented mother-in-law sewed especially for her grandchild; everything is just perfect.

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The baby's grandmother must believe in staying busy when she's not leaping tall buildings in a single bound. Anyone that can sew that magnificently MUST have a secret and I agree with Jane; I believe that her mother-in-law must be a closet super hero. She probably has the most incredible cape hidden away somewhere, don't you think?
Speaking of secrets; I was dying to know how so much cute-ness could possibly fit inside a room that, according to the mommy-to-be, is less than 100 square feet in size.
Mom gives some of the credit for the efficient, space-saving layout to days spent playing Tetris when she was a child. Her knowledge of the game really paid off as everything we see in the nursery pictures is perfectly scaled and arranged. And as far as the colors and decor are concerned..well, Tetris didn't come into play there; the
baby blue and taupe color scheme was inspired by the fabrics used to sew the crib set.
Ahhhhh...the crib set. Even those new to the nesting phase of pregnancy are well aware that there are hundreds, actually thousands of "to die for" crib sets for sale
but they can be expensive and frankly, most don't hold a candle to this beauty.
I'll give you a hint at how expensive baby bedding sets can be; the inspiration for this one was priced somewhere around $600. That's a lot of money in my book especially when you can make your own for less. I have talent in the sewing department which makes me all the more in awe of those who do.
Let's give Jane's Mom-in-law a big hand before moving on! And..let's take one more look at the DIY copycat baby bedding before moving on to the painted nursery curtains that Jane designed!
Jane had had some Martha Stewart fabric medium on hand that she had been holding onto, waiting to use it for just the right project and these window treatments are the result of her patience.
They are the perfect complement to the crib set in both color and design.
The pattern of the chevron border on the panels is difficult to see with the bright sun streaming into the window but they look very pretty in person.
You can find the step-by-step tutorial for DIY painted curtains on Urbane Jane along with more pictures and instructions.
See how the organizational aspects of the closet tie into the decorative details of the room?
The texture of the baskets reflects the bamboo of the blinds and the chalkboard signs tell us exactly which one holds a cozy blanket. There will be no searching involved when Mom and Dad need a blanket for snuggling in the chair while enjoying a book or extra covers to keep baby warm on chilly nights.
I'm no psychic, but I see a lot of reading and travels in this baby's future.
The nursery library is well-stocked and ready for story time.
This little one may travel via books to the countries of his ancestors long before he ever sets foot on a train, boat or plane.
Although, when he is ready he will know the way as each country included in his ancestry is marked by red hearts.
Jane has so many cute nursery ideas and DIY projects that I want you to see but at this point in our tour I'm going to send you over to her blog,
Urbane Jane to see more photos and instructions in case you want to follow her lead and get all crafty and creative. Before you go, please leave Jane a comment telling her how much you have enjoyed her baby blue and taupe nursery reveal!