Our Baby Boy's Nautical Nursery Theme
by Jennifer
(Houston, TX)
The red, white and blue nautical baby bedding that the baby's grandmother made!
Our baby boy's red, white and blue nautical nursery
My first attempt at faux bead board! The navy blue and white paint look perfect together!
My one-of-a-kind nautical crib mobile that I made myself.
Decorating our baby boy's nautical nursery theme was a great opportunity for me to try my hand at DIY projects such as hanging faux wood bead board wainscoting on the walls, painting, etc.
It wasn't until I found out that we would definitely be decorating a baby boy's room that I made the discovery that navy blue and white walls would look amazing with bead board.
After browsing through several catalogs specializing in home decor including the Pottery Barn Kid catalog, I couldn't help but notice that they had TONS of nautical themed decorations for sale but being a momma on a budget I can't afford to decorate my house, let alone one room in all Pottery Barn.
Everything they had for sale was so expensive but I love their stuff and I wish that I could include some of the items in the room's design.
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crib sets that can be used in a nautical or sailboat themed nursery for a baby boy or girl.
So, I just borrowed some of their ideas and tried to "make them my own".
I bought yards of fabric in red, white and blue that I loved and my sweet, talented mother-in-law sewed the crib bumpers and the crib skirt for me.
The crib set includes fabrics with patterns and colorful stripes.
The ocean creatures theme blends well with the sailboat themed fabric and the striped fabric ties everything together.
Ocean Baby Nursery Theme IdeasHere is a picture of the crib set that my mother-in-law made. The homemade bumper pad was made using fabric with a sailboat pattern and the fitted crib sheet was made from fabric with an ocean creature pattern that includes crabs, octopus, and fish.
I was very happy with the results of this DIY sewing project and am very thankful that our baby boy has such a talented grandmother.
DIY Nursery Wainscoting Project
Installing the bead board and crown molding in took lots of measuring, leveling, and nailing but we got it done and it looks amazing!
After the bead board and molding were in place I chose the wall paint colors I bought a variety of decorative items that I found at my local craft store and started painting them to get them ready to hang.
How to Make Your Own Sailboat Crib Mobile
I made the hanger and frame for the baby's mobile then painted small ship decorations to accent the colors in the crib set. When they were dry, I glued them together and hung the mobile in place. That's how I made my own, one-of-a-kind, crib mobile.
This complete craft project including all paint and supplies wound up costing me about $5
We chose a navy blue and white color combination for the walls rather than traditional baby blue and white. We used red and other primary colors as accents throughout the room.
We introduced other colors into the room's color scheme through the fabrics that we chose for the custom made crib set.
Homemade Nautical Crib Quilt
I made a nautical crib quilt for my little guy using a combination of minky fabric and cotton fabric with an anchor pattern that tied into both the room's theme and color scheme.
That's how I decorated our baby boy's nautical nursery theme. I think that my nursery project looks even better than the pictures of nurseries that were in the Pottery Barn Kids catalog and I did everything on a budget!
Thanks for looking and if you have any questions, about any of the paint colors, fabrics or craft ideas you can ask whatever you need to know using the comments form provided by
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