Norwegian Pregnant Belly Paintings

by Ben Lonrusten
(Drammen - Norway)

Honey bee bumblebee pregnant belly painting

Honey bee bumblebee pregnant belly painting

More countdown tummys! More pregnant belly paintings from Norway. Some of them were made by request from our friends.

Pregnancy Belly Paintings Ideas

From the webmaster:

Ben, you are developing quite a following here in the States! The only problem that I see here is that a lot of the mommies-to-be that visit here are OH so very jealous of your lucky wife!

Go here to to see what is needed for the art of belly painting in the way of safe paints and supplies.

I can almost see their green (jealous) faces from the comments that they are leaving! It's all in lighthearted fun and there probably are not that many husbands that have your artistic abilities.

However, I can imagine the ladies that do have husbands who know their way around a paint can and a brush are pointing out your latest art posted here on Unique Baby Gear Ideas as they are published. I know that I'm always wondering what you come up with next!

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