Noahs Ark Rug Ideas for the Baby's Nursery

Once the cribset is in and the your Noahs Ark mural on the wall, don't stop till the Noahs Ark Rug is on the floor! Nursery decor starts from the floor up! Area rugs in this theme are so cute they can almost do double duty as nursery wall decorations!

Whether you want a round, rectangle or square rug depends on the shape, size and traffic in the area. If you have a space in your room that can handle a round rug, the rug with the ark in the center with all the animals marching around it can't be beat for providing a decorative focal point or centerpiece for the room's decor.

The primary colors are so bright and cheery. This will certainly capture a baby's attention while crawling about on the nursery floor!

Which rug you choose depends on the color scheme in your Noahs Ark Nursery along with the floor space that you wish to fill.

Faith Bible based Noahs Ark nursery rug

Go here to see other rugs that would be suitable for your baby's faith based nursery theme.

You can also hook your own Noahs ark nursery rug using a kit that comes complete with everything that you need.

How to Make Your Own DIY NOAHS ARK RUG

Many of the complete rug kits are in neutral colors and will blend nicely in a baby boy or girl's room.

If you made your own crib set, you might take the leftover fabric and use this braided rug tutorial to make your own rug.

Please visit Unique Baby Gear Ideas again soon to see more ideas for decorating a Noah's Ark themed nursery for your baby boy or girl.

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