by Kara
(Fort Wayne)

The greatest miracle

The greatest miracle

Being told I was pregnant was the best day of my life!!!

I had probably the must easy pregnancy possible!(well aside from morning sickness and all those other wonderful blessings that come with pregnancy.) There were hardly any complications and I had one of the best doctor's a woman could ask for! It wasn't hard for me to get pregnant at all. The only thing was my husband wasn't really here for much of it..

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He is in the Navy and was training before he heads over seas. That was hard! I'm just grateful he was able to witness the birth of our beautiful little girl.. Madilyn Grace!


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Thanks! Military Moms and Dads
by: Anonymous

First of all, I think that you look very beautiful in your picture. And I want to say thanks to military wives for the sacrifices that they and their husbands are making to make our country safe. God Bless You!

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