by Rachel
(KY Kentucky)
Nature Baby Nursery Theme Decorations Bees Birds Butterflies and Bees
I made the mobile as well as other decorations for our baby's natural nursery theme. The mobile was a product of a crafts class that I took and surprisingly was the inspiration for most all of the room's décor. It gave me the confidence to try and DIY as many of the decorative items as I had time for including the original piece, a crib mobile that features a family of three pretty birds. There was a papa bird, one mama bird and a baby bird.
When I designed the mobile I placed the focuse on three main colors, chocolate brown, spring green and sky blue with white accents. At the time I started making my bird mobile for the crib I had no idea what my baby's nursery theme was going to be.
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in earthy colors as well as bright, primary colors that will make your baby's nursery "pop"!
You Can't Compete with Mother Nature
One day I walked into the room that would become the nursery, looked around at the sky blue nursery walls, studied the birds and thought that's it:
NATURE! From that point forward it was full steam ahead in planning my
natural nursery theme and décor.
My next move was to buy a bunch of white canvas boards from the Hobby Lobby. I also bought tons of scrapbook paper in almost every color, as well as plenty of tacky glue, mod podge and Elmer's glue.
These materials formed the foundation of all the pictures that I made which you can see displayed on the walls of the baby's room in the pictures.
I coordinated all of the designs and color myself.
The baby's bee mobile was hung from the ceiling as a little something extra to entertain her during diaper changes. I made the mobile by taking two fat sticks, wrapping the sticks in some brown yarn and suspending the bees which were attached to the yarn using a hot glue gun from the sticks. I picked up the bee decorations at Hobby Lobby.
After the natural nursery theme wall paintings were completed, I realized that I had enough green and white polka dot scrapbook paper left over to make the butterfly mobile that decorates the area above the nursery rocking chair. The butterfly mobile was also made from a stick I broke off a tree similar to the way that I had made the bee mobile. I used some butterflies that I had purchased at the Hobby Lobby as decorations and added some scrap paper leaves that were similar to the ones in the wall art.
Surrounding the butterfly mobile suspended from the ceiling are leaves cut from green felt in various shades of green just like you see in nature. I thought it was really cool because there is a big tree right outside the window and my decorating technique makes it look as if its leaves are an extension of the natural nursery theme and decor.
In the space behind the rocking chair I painted a little grass and tall flowers directly under the leaves in different shapes and colors. I also painted lots of bees whose bodies are actually my finger prints.
There is a bookcase next to the rocking chair with lots of books that are held upright by two little bird houses that I bought from the Hobby Lobby and painted. They make unique bookends. This spot is our reading area and probably my favorite place in the room.
Above the bookcase is a wall shelf that displays the baby's toys and stuffed animals. I bought the wall shelf and painted it white.
On the door opening into the nursery, I took the old saying “Boys are made from Frogs, snails and puppy dog tails" from "Little Boy Blue" and illustrated it.
Last but not least, I found some flat river rocks, painted them to look like ladybugs and sat them in the window sill.
I am so excited to bring my baby into the room next month and hope that visitors to
Unique Baby Gear Ideas love my natural nursery theme ideas as much as I do.