Lepine Crib Parts
by Bernard
(b.c. Canada)
Can someone please advise me on where to find Lepine Crib Parts! I am looking for the correct Lepine replacement parts that I need to attach and hold the box spring to the frame of the baby bed.
I would even be happy if someone could send pictures of the missing baby crib parts so that I could take it to my local hardware store or shop around online to see if I could find something that would work.
See if anyone has posted the Lepine Crib Parts that you need.
The Lepine crib that we have is a beautiful, sturdy crib that is in next to new condition.
Go Here to See What's Available
In my opinion, it would be a crime to dispose of it just because some of the parts have been lost.
If anyone has any suggestions for a resource that carries new or used hardware or parts for a Lepine Crib can you please contact me using the space below (and PLEASE include your contact information in case I need to get in touch with you!).
Unique Baby Gear Ideas encourages our visitors to share their resources for Lepine crib parts or perhaps to scan a picture of the parts diagram page in the Lepine baby crib assembly manual and send it to Bernard so that he can put his baby's bed together.
We also appreciate our visitors' sending us recalls for
baby cribs and writing reviews of their cribs to make our little community of expectant parents aware of any problems that are associated with different models and brands.