John Lennon "Real Love" Nursery Theme
by Kate
John Lennon Real Love Baby Nursery Theme
Imagine John Lennon Real Love Baby Nursery Theme
I knew that I just had to have a John Lennon "Real Love" Nursery Theme the moment that I saw the "Real Love" nursery bedding collection since I am a HUGE John Lennon fan.
My friends had all told me that it was difficult for them to make decisions but it was SO easy for me to decide what the best nursery theme would be for our baby.
The jungle animals helped a lot since I am a Beatles fan but my husband is not and would never have gone for a Yellow Submarine design.
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He most likely would not have approved an "Apple" label theme either even though we painted the walls in bright green.
PAINTING our BABY'S JOHN LENNON NURSERY I started out by ripping up the old carpet in preparation for re-finishing the hardwood floors.
To get the perfect light blue paint color that we wanted for the nursery ceiling we mixed a white primer with dark blue to get just the right shade of light blue. Since it was a special mix, I don't have a name for it.
After we had the ceiling covered, we painted the walls in green using a Dutchboy paint called "Olive Fringes".
To represent the light of the sun, I painted the fan and light fixture yellow and found a cute little bumblebee to hang on the chain that controls the light.
DECORATING THE WALLS After the paint was dry I started to look through the Real Love and Musical Parade John Lennon drawings to choose which ones that I wanted to paint on the walls.
After looking at them all, I found the best ones for our John Lennon "Real Love" Nursery Theme, the large giraffe, a few birds, trees, turtles, rhinos, frogs and kangaroos. Painting the animals, trees and birds on the nursery walls took quite a while and was a pretty big job at 6+ months pregnant but it was worth it since it turned out exactly as I had imagined.
After getting the nursery wall murals painted, I ordered wall decals with words from Lennon's lyrics "sharing all the world" and "Imagine".
NURSERY FURNITURE We bought the furniture from a local baby store called "Lancer's the Natural Way". The crib and armoire are from Ragazzi's Tropical collection which has been discontinued. I was thrilled to have found this set before it was too late because I love the bamboo look that it has.
The Real Love John Lennon baby bedding set looks great with the color of the wood. The Real Love and musical parade area rugs also came from their shop and really bring the nursery's decor together. The baby's combination changing table/dresser is a vintage piece that we decided went well with our concept of the room.
JOHN LENNON NURSERY IDEASI found various themed decorations at the Lancer's Natural Way and other places that were in keeping with our John Lennon, jungle animals theme.
In addition to the inspirational words of the wall decals, I hung a copy of the Beatles "Real Love record album and a photo of the Real Love characters.
I hung two mobiles, one in the crib and another one above the changing table. Both of the baby mobiles are musical and play the song, "imagine", which I think is super!
To give the nursery a realistic outdoorsy atmosphere, I am making some fluffy clouds and filled them with cotton fill to use as decorations. Once they are all made, my plan is to make some paper cranes to hang in the clouds.
I really love the feel of our Beatles Nursery Theme. I love the happy feeling it gives me whenever I walk inside.
Thanks to the other moms and dads that visit
Unique Baby Gear Ideas for taking a look at our
baby boy's nursery pictures. I hope you like the Beatles and our nursery as much as we do!