I would like to request that someone please scan a copy of Jenny Lind Cradle Instructions instructions with a parts diagram and replacement parts and email them to me. My baby's cradle is approximately 10 years old and I have no idea where the assembly instructions manual or the package of parts that I need to assemble it are.
I don't even have the excuse that we have moved! I have just misplaced the parts and instructions and need replacements.
Go here to see the parts that are currently available on Amazon.
If anyone has any suggestions for a resource Jenny Lind Cradle Instructions and parts can you please contact me using the space below (and PLEASE include your contact information in case I need to get in touch with you!).
Unique Baby Gear Ideas encourages our visitors to consider scanning a copy of their own cradle assembly instructions manual and uploading a picture of it on this website, share replacement parts, alert us to Jenny Lind baby cradle recalls and to consider writing reviews of these cradles to make our little community of expectant parents aware of any problems that are associated with different models and brands.
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