I Need Crib Backets, Screws and the Instruction Manual..Everything!
I need all hardware including crib brackets, screws and the owner's manual with a parts diagram and assembly instructions for a secondhand baby bed that I bought from a family friend.
I have all of the crib's four (4) sides and the shelf for the bottom and the metal spring set where the mattress is supposed to lay but I need the instructions book, screws and brackets so that I can put it all together.
See What's Available Here
If you have them, please contact me using the space below (and PLEASE include your contact information in case I need to get in touch with you!).. I will pay you for them!
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Crib Brackets, Screws and the Instruction Manual that this person wants to buy, alert us to crib recalls and to consider writing reviews to make our little community of expectant parents aware of any problems that are associated with different models and brands.