How Much Does a Nursery Cost to Set Up
We Have Nursery Budget Ideas and Ways to Cut Nursery Necessities Costs
"How much does a nursery cost to set up"? I wish I had a penny for every time a mom-to-be asked me that question. Believe me that I would answer all of you if I only could...but there simply is no way. I will tell you that most of the time decorating a nursery can be as expensive or as budget friendly as you make up your mind that it will be.
It stands to reason that the DIY decorator will save more money than a parent that hires
everything from painting the nursery wall to having a set of custom baby bedding custom made.
As you will see from our gallery of
nursery pictures
it's possible to create a dynamite nursery design for very little money.
For example who would ever have dreamed that an elegant room such as this could be managed for less than
$200 since
unique baby nursery ideas are never cheap. That is..unless you
are a super smart shopper and don't mind a little paint on your hands (and clothes?).
The amount of money that can be saved by buying a secondhand baby crib alone can be mind boggling.

Go Here to See More Comparisons
Comparison shopping for a
baby crib, changing table combo alone may save a few hundred dollars.
The prices for popular models range from over $500 to $363 with the crib at the lower price point getting positive reviews.
A list of nursery necessities is almost as difficult to nail down as the answer to the question of how much does a nursery cost. Why is this?
Let's use a big ticket item like the crib once again as an example. Some parents co-sleep making the purchase of a bassinet, a crib, crib mattress and even a baby bedding set completely
unnecessary! What one mom and dad consider a nursery essential another may consider a waste of space and cash.
Make a List
That is the primary reason that I am an obsessive compulsive list-maker and recommend that before you start decorating the nursery that you become one as well. After you carefully compile a list of the items that fit your space and your needs and price them online making comparisons; the answer to the question, "how much does a nursery cost to set up" will be right there so that you can budget accordingly.
I hope that visitors to
Unique Baby Gear Ideas picked up some tips for calculating a nursery budget and that you will visit other areas of my website to see examples of how a little ingenuity, a DIY attitude and hard work can save lots of cash.
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