by JB

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Finding Fleur de Lis Art for the baby's nursery in your colors just got a whole lot easier! Custom Nursery Art by Kimberly shows us that it is possible to personalize the walls of the baby's nursery with unique and original artwork that is capable of reflecting any theme under the sun AND that is a perfect color match to the crib set.

A perfect example is the set that she designed as a gift to her friends for their new baby boy, Will. Kimberly chose the best colors from the swatches seen centered on the custom Fleur de Lis art top left that the baby's mom provided. Then she took into consideration the parents' love of sports, the great state of Louisiana and the Lone Star State and the results are remarkable!

fleur de lis nursery pictures art artwork

Each area of the piece had special meaning. Kimberly chose the:

  • baseball and bats because baseball is Alana's favorite sport and her brother plays in MLB
  • the star as a nod to Texas where she dreams of returning someday
  • the Fleur de Lis because Tim is from Louisiana
  • the golf ball and clubs because golf is Tim's favorite sport

My advice to you if you need some Fleur de Lis Art for the baby's nursery or any other theme in nursery artwork that you might have in mind would be to make a copy of your nursery design board, gather up your swatches and have Kimberly work her special magic for your baby's room.

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Unique Baby Gear Ideas advises everyone to never use drop side baby cribs. It is illegal to buy, sell or use a drop side crib. If you own a drop side crib, please disassemble it and dispose of it at the local city or county waste dump.

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