Decorating a Nursery for a Baby Boy Using a Combination of Patterns Including Chevron and Houndstooth

by Reagan
(Marietta, Georgia, USA)

Our baby boy's nursery features window treatments made using fabrics with both chevron and houndstooth patterns as well as many DIY and crafts project ideas.

Our baby boy's nursery features window treatments made using fabrics with both chevron and houndstooth patterns as well as many DIY and crafts project ideas.

I like to decorate and decided decorating a nursery for a baby boy using a combination of patterns including chevron, houndstooth and others would be lots of fun! I wanted to go all out for my baby boy's room but it is a small nursery and there was a need to create more storage as well as to include a twin bed for guests and for when the time comes to transition out of his crib. Those were our primary goals as well as to keep it fun.

Baby boy nursery room decorated using a variety of popular fabric patterns including chevron window treatments

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We positioned our DIY, built-in book shelves on either side of the nursery window almost touching the yellow and white curtain panels with chevron stripes that were complemented by the bold, painted stripes on the old, worn, wooden floor. Then, the nursery walls were painted white and grey trim was added at the ceiling.

We added lots of color to our baby boy's nursery using fabrics while keeping a lot of the basics white to provide contrast.

We found tons of cute accent pieces that gave the room our own personal touch and further personalized the space by creating a gallery wall using family photos and other kid-art elements.

DIY world globe baby crib mobile handmade by Mom and Dad

Handmade Baby Mobile

Another feature in our one-of-a-kind nursery is a great homemade baby mobile that my husband and I built using blow-up globes and circle streamers made from paint chips! A friend and I did all the prep work and painting of the floors and I painted the walls and put up all the wooden trim myself.

I sewed all the accent pillows, chevron nursery curtains and crib skirt myself. My mom and I slip-covered the nursery glider together.

I did all of the above for under $1000 in less than 2 months when I was 7-9 months pregnant!

Decorating a nursery for a baby boy that is attractive and functional is possible without spending a ton of money with some DIY and willingness to use your imagination.

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Mar 23, 2015
by: Anonymous

You did a beautiful job! I love how bright and cheerful the nursery looks and all of the crafts that you did yourself.

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Unique Baby Gear Ideas advises everyone to never use drop side baby cribs. It is illegal to buy, sell or use a drop side crib. If you own a drop side crib, please disassemble it and dispose of it at the local city or county waste dump.

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