A Basic List of Crib Woodworking Tools
What Tools Do You Need to Build a Baby Crib
Here is a basic list of crib woodworking tools needed to build a baby crib including some power and hand tools. The inspiration for this page came from questions asked by beginners as well as accomplished woodworkers who have never built nursery furniture before.
One dad asked whether he could build a safe crib for his son using nothing but hand tools.
The quick answer to his question would be yes since some very fine furniture was made before power tools were ever invented. But why would anyone want to build a crib the hard way if they don't have to?
See woodworkers top picks HERE
and prepare to be surprised!
Which Woodworking Hand Tools Will I Need to Make a Crib
Every woodworking shop should have a combination square, tape measure, marking tools (pencils, etc.), knives, awls, rasps, files, hammers, screwdrivers and clamps, smoothing and block planes as these gadgets are not used exclusively for furniture making but for other projects as well. Every carpenter has a few chisels, mallets and an assortment of saws that each perform their respective jobs in a timely and efficient manner but as you begin to expand the scope of your talents and take on bigger and better paying projects; power tools that work to save time are gifts from above and no list of crib woodworking tools needed to build a baby crib should neglect to mention that these timesavers are worth their weight in gold.
Many woodworking magazines like Wood Magazine and Highland Woodworking have taken polls and surveys to see which tools that woodworkers consider necessities. Their lists
LIKE THIS ONE is MUCH longer than ours.
Power Woodworking Tools That Come in Handy When Building a Crib
- Power Jointer - This tool will help you to get through the first steps of your project quickly by flattening the faces of rough or reclaimed wood so that you can get to the fun part.
- Thickness Planer - Yes, you can make do with hand tools but this power tool will save lots of time and is worth the money spent if you plan to make other furniture after your make your own crib
- Circular Saw - A table saw is even better but since this is a basic list of crib woodworking tools you should know that you can use a circular saw for rough dimensioning and long rip cuts.
- A Router and Two Bits - The router is for cross-cutting, straightening edges and cutting boards to their final measurement. You will need a straight cut bit and a flush trimming bit.
- Jig Saw - for cutting curved pieces of the crib.
- Coping Saw - for cutting the fine details of a crib.
- Power drill and bits as needed according to the crib plans you have chosen.
- Random Orbit Sander - for finishing the crib
Helpful but Optional Crib Woodworking Tools
There are a few optional tools that some woodworkers say came in very handy when they were building a crib by a particular set of plans.
The best way to proceed is to either buy or find a set of
free crib plans and make your own list of necessary tools rather than to go online and start ordering woodworking supplies and hardware in an unorganized manner.
If you have a tool that you would like to recommend to other parents that want to know what kind of tools they need to build a crib, please use the comments form provided by
Unique Baby Gear Ideas for that purpose.
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