Best New Cowgirl Crib Bedding and Nursery Decorating Ideas
Saddle up the horses and check out a few cowgirl crib bedding sets that help to mosey your nursery decorating project on up the trail in fine fashion. If you're new to this particular rodeo circuit, you should be aware that moms in the past have been little selection in western style bedding for baby girls. Their only option was to accept western style crib sets which at best might be considered to be gender neutral but were most likely manufactured with the newborn cowpoke in mind rather than their more feminine counterparts.
In modern collections there is evidence that the message of female equality has been noted. You won’t see girly girl lace, but get ready because there are western cowgirl baby bedding sets that are obviously for girls with vintage western and bandana print fabrics, fringe and unique handkerchief style window valances and ruffled crib skirts.
You might wonder how it’s possible to have nursery bedding with cool cowboy designs and motifs that are clearly for a
baby girl's cowgirl nursery theme. You will find the answer to this decorating dilemma in the way the materials are sewn. There is a marked increase in ruffles and handkerchief hems on the bed skirts as well as the window treatments.

While there is a noticeable lack of ribbons and bows or lace edging on most cowgirl crib bedding sets, you may find fringe on the top of the bumper pad and around the edges of decorative pillows or the crib comforter. In rare cases where the baby bedding is made of paisley bandana print fabric in hot pink, red or even blue there may be an edging of eyelet trim. Those are just a few basic differences in western cowgirl crib bedding and bedding specifically designed for boys. Although you may find baby girl cowboy crib bedding sets with the exact, identical fabrics used in cowboy baby bedding sets from time to time you will quickly identify the differences in design.
Contrary to what you might think, vintage cowgirl theme decorating for girls can be as colorful as any other style of nursery decor. Modern cowgirl crib bedding sets have colors of blue denim warmed up with hot pinks and red and the vintage cowgirl print fabrics are a smorgasbord of bright yellow, purple and green backgrounds with vintage western designs, pictures and motifs that are cute as a bug!
To tone down the bright colors, you could showcase some old black and white pictures of the famous cowgirls from the Wild West like Annie Oakley or even Calamity Jane. Shades of Annie Oakley, there are some really cool, retro cowgirl nursery decorating possibilities for photo images on vintage fabrics. The retro cowgirl print fabrics from the 40s and 50s with bright, funky patterns would look fantastic with pillows or wall hangings that have been printed with vintage cowgirl pictures.
Whether you decide on a theme filled with cowgirl decorations to compliment a modern or vintage style cowgirl crib bedding set; any nursery in a western theme is going to be just right for your little lady.
Please plan to visit our website again soon too find more baby girl nursery ideas,the best baby boy nursery ideas and nursery ideas for either PLUS a gallery of pictures featuring cute baby bedding sets and gift ideas for a newborn filled with the excitement of the Wild West.
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