by Elise
(New Albany, MS)
Baby Boy Cars and Big Trucks Construction Theme Nursery
Our baby boy's construction truck theme baby nursery reflects his daddy's interest in anything to do with the subject of building. Be it building roads, houses or just moving mountains of dirt, he is fascinated by the process and the machinery that makes it happen. He has a special fondness for dump trucks and those big moving cranes that have the big metal hook on the end of the cable.

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When it was confirmed that we were indeed having a baby boy, I knew that a
baby boy's nursery theme based on dirt moving equipment was in my future. I knew there was no way around it and felt that shopping for a ready made set would probably be a waste of time as surely I was the only mom that would have need of construction baby bedding.
Imagine my delight and surprise when I found that my dear husband may not be the only dad in the world who finds pushing dirt around entertaining. I know this is true because I found not only one but several sets of construction theme nursery bedding. And the best thing of all was that there was one with a crib quilt with colors that worked beautifully with the wall color that was already in place.
The only drawback was that the set I chose had no curtains but again I lucked out and found some window treatments with little dozers on the window valance and I stitched up some curtain panels in a cream and white check fabric that look pretty good if I say so myself.