Christmas Theme Charm Bracelet

by Lisa R

I would love to design a Christmas theme charm bracelet for my daughter (age 9) because she has worked so hard in school this year and because she is in three Christmas plays one after the other this month. I would like to put charms on the bracelet associated with each of her performances as well as some honoring our close mother daughter relationship.

The silver shoe charm is for Cinderella, the ballerina is for The Nutcracker Suite (because it's a ballet) and the angel is to represent Charles Dickens' Christmas Carol. There a lot of Christmas theme silver charms but none other than the angel seemed appropriate. And even the angel was a loose fit but since Scrooge was visited by three spirits and two were pretty good I think that an angel would work for this play on her Christmas theme charm bracelet.

Here's a list of the other charms that I'm considering:

  1. Daughter
  2. Lil sis
  3. mommy's girl
  4. June birthstone crystal
  5. Ladies shoe charm with crystals
  6. Ballerina
  7. Angel

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