FREE Printable Bunny Ears Pattern Baby Bunny Photo Prop Ideas
After taking the time to draw an outline, we are sharing our free, printable pattern for bunny ears. While not exactly a deluxe pattern, the graphics will get you started on your way to transforming any child wearing a hooded sweatshirt jacket or windbreaker into a lop ear bunny for Easter, Halloween or a school play.
Make the pattern as big or small as you want with your picture editing program and then they can be sewn stuffed and quilted or left really floppy with no padding or stuffing at all. You will want to bookmark the site in your free, printables category so that when you have ideas for Easter bunny craft and sewing projects where you might need some bunny rabbit ears all that you will need to do is adjust the size of your free printable bunny sewing patterns to fit your needs and go to work!
Baby Bunny Photo Props
Baby Bunny Costume Ideas
Baby Easter Bunny Picture Ideas
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see more bunny ear photo props and costume ideas.

1.)Cut four of the large bunny ears to make a front and a back.
2.)Stitch fronts and backs together.
3.)Stuff the ears after the fronts and backs have been sewn with scraps of polyester quilt batting
4.)You can simply quilt the outline of the inside of the rabbit ears to give them definition or if you want something a little more fancy, appliqué pink satin in this area. I like to appliqué pink fabric in this area and then quilt around it. Additional fabric and a lot of stuffing gives the ears more support so that they stand up better.
5.)To attach your bunny ears to a headband, you will need to make the base of the ears wider in order for it to be sewn securely. Whip stitch the ears around the band and then wrap the plastic headband in white satin ribbon to give it a finished look.
That’s just one example of how to use your printable bunny ears for a cute Easter bunny craft project. Last Easter I transformed a hooded, fleece bunting into a cute costume with bunny ears that I made using the printable pattern on this page. Here are the instructions that I used to transform an everyday fleece top into something cute for Easter:
1.)Cut out four of your big bunny pattern pieces to form the front and back of your ears
2.)Sew fronts to back and turn them right side out after trimming the seam allowance and clipping curves
3.)Stuff with quilt batting or scraps of pillow stuffing
4.)Quilt the design drawn in the center of the bunny ears pattern to indicate the inside of the ear and to give your project shape. You have the option of appliquéing fabric of your choice in this area and then quilting an outline if you choose. Otherwise you will have a solid white, padded ear.
5.)Make two or three small pleats in the base of your ears so that the base is no more than an inch wide
6.)Cut two one inch wide slits (side to side) in the hood of your child’s fleece jacket or bunting where you want your ears
7.)Insert the base of your bunny rabbit ears into the slits. Stitch them in place by turning the base under inside the hood and using your sewing machine to stitch back and forth. Finish around the raw edges of the slit with your needle and thread.
I didn’t use my sewing machine for step 7. I made a running stitch with my needle and thread because I thought that it looked nicer to do it by hand. However, one mom sent me a picture of her results and her machine stitching didn’t take away from the look of the outfit at all.
Visit again soon to find more bunny costumes, crafts patterns and ideas for decorating the nursery here on Unique Baby Gear Ideas.
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