Baby Ballet Tutus, Outfits and Ballerina Costumes
I'm guilty as charged; I've been dressing my girls in baby ballet tutus with headbands practically from the day they came home from the hospital. Just so you know, you don't have to be a fan of ballet to enjoy playing dress-up with their costumes.
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My little prima donna loves wearing her toe-shoes and her tutu everywhere but in reality; a career as a ballerina is probably not in her future. She just loves to look pretty and the die was most likely cast when her first baby picture was taken wearing, you guessed it, one of the most frilly, fluffy tutu sets that mommy and daddy could find.
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to see more ballerina tutus for newborn baby girls.
Pettiskirts for newborns are so soft and comfortable. They also come in a wide variety of colors and styles which make them excellent props for an infant's first photo shoot.
Modern tutus for baby girls come in lots of different styles. You can order a special tee and diaper cover, or leotard personalized with baby’s monogram to match each little skirt or make your own with some sheer net and have it monogrammed or embroidered with any motifs, quotes or graphics that you like.
Some traditional ways to embroider the top of baby girl’s ballet skirt are:
- Princess crowns and the word princess or some inscription like “Our Little Princess” or other cute reference to baby royalty
- Fairy wings and pixie wands as well as the occasional picture of a fairy
- Angel wings, halos and pictures of angels
 baby ballerina Halloween costumes in more colors and styles.
Baby Ballerina Costumes in Unusual Colors and Themes Baby pettiskirts in orange are very popular for newborns first Halloween.
Tutus on cowgirls with cowboy boots (booties) and hats are also popular to wear while out Trick or Treating with Mom and Dad.
Accessories for a Princess Fairy Tutu
A ballerina costume should have some glitter, bling and glam, am I right? A sheer skirt is fine, but there are lots of flashy embellishing techniques that will make your baby’s ballerina skirt more special. Some decorative trim that you might want to consider for would be fluffy feathers as well as anything that sparkles. Take care that your glue gun is not too hot when adding your embellishments because you might melt a hole in the delicate fabric. Another issue associated with decorating the sheer fabric would be the weight of the decorations. A tutu should be light and airy not pulled down by heavy decorations. The reason that tiny gemstones, satin ribbons, sequins and feathers are seen on ballerinas is because they don’t add a lot of weight to the costumes.
Free Instructions - How to Make a Baby Ballet Tutu
People make such a fuss over trying to find free instructions on how to make a tutu or sheer ballerina skirt on the internet. The basic instructions for making a tutu for your baby girl are very easy. Cut a length of elastic the size of your little girl's waist and whip some sheer fabric on it. Some hand sewing experience does come in handy, but it’s a pretty simple do it yourself sewing project for anyone who knows their way around a sewing machine. If you a professional looking tutu for children’s program or pageant, my advice is to contract a skilled seamstress or if that’s too expensive buy a used one.
Ballet Tutu Patterns
If you want to make your own ballet tutu, here are some patterns to try although some may be out of print:
Simplicity tutu pattern number 4090
Simplicity 1956 for a 1-18 Month Old Baby Tutu and Appliques
McCall's 5680 Ballerina Costume Pattern
Here is a great tutorial that will show you how to make a a tutu in any size without a pattern which will save money!
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