Baby Cassidy in Great-Great Grandmother's Pioneer Bonnet
We knew Baby Cassidy had a wonderful old soul from early on, we just didn't know how she would love vintage clothing and accessories. She found her great-great-grandmother's prairie style bonnet and wears it around the house all the time!
I plan to copy the handmade sewing pattern for this calico prairie bonnet as soon as possible. It was originally sewn on a treadle sewing machine and is in wonderful condition. The fabric is blue with yellow and black accents. I will take some closeup pictures of the stitching at the same time as I put up the free sewing pattern pieces for the bonnet that baby Cassidy is wearing in the picture! Hopefully, I can get it done soon in case anybody wants to make a prairie bonnet for their child's school play! If you are in the middle of making a child's costume or a nursery decorating project and need ideas, please return to find baby nursery ideas as well as more free baby patterns.
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