Baby Boy Airplane Nursery Ideas, Decor and DIY Decorating Tips
I would like to share some baby boy airplane nursery ideas with DIY airplane nursery decor that you can make yourself as well as a few tips on color schemes and wall decorating advice.
Feel free to pick and choose which of the hacks and projects suit your particular needs or to put your own spin on them so that they complement the size of the room and your color choices.
That is the beauty of making your own decorations; everything is unique, fits just right and allows our imagination to soar just like the planes in a baby's
jet airplane nursery theme!
These wooden blocks
make a lovely focal point for a wall shelf arrangement and would be easy to make yourself using a few lengths of 4X4 lumber.
Simply paint the wood in any colors you like and stencil or paint the quote free handed using a contrasting color.
Where to Get (Virtually) Free Vintage Airplane Nursery Wall Art
Here is a tip on how to score some really cool, virtually free vintage airplane wall decor that could cost quite a bit more in some of the high end stores like RH Baby.
HERE to download a free set of vintage airplane blueprints to frame and use to decorate the walls of your baby boy's nursery room.
The color could possibly be changed in a photo editing program to complement your project, and then printed in any size you need at Office Depot. Shop yard sales for inexpensive wooden frames or look for Michaels coupons online to get a discount on frames.
A set of framed WWII plane blueprints would look really nice in combination with aviation nursery wall decals like these.
Here is a tutorial for making your own DIY metal wall letters that cost less than $5.
The galvanized metal letters that spell the baby's name, resemble a plane's exterior and add a 3D element to the wall decals so we love them and want them, right? Well, they are often out of stock but check for them at Michaels before having someone custom make them as Rory's mom had to do in
her project.
Another super DIY craft project that Rory's mom managed to fit into her busy schedule are the rain gutter wall shelves. This is a godsend for anyone having difficulty finding nursery book shelves to fit the wall space in their reading nook. They can be cut to fit even the tiniest of spaces in a small nursery.
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Unique Baby Gear Ideas to share your own baby boy airplane nursery ideas and crafts projects with us. You can also ask questions or leave comments sharing your thoughts about the decorating tips on this page in the space below.
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