by Aura
(Brooklyn, NY)
I'm a Mommy of twins + ? and I would really like to see if the Baby Bjorn Travel Crib works for twins. In the pictures it looks so easy to open and close and the reviews that I have read say that it folds up into a very small, easy to manage package and is really lightweight. And believe me that the lightweight characteristic would make it perfect for travel with twins.
From the Webmaster
Aura, I would like to hear if the Baby Bjorn travel crib works for twins, too! There are so many moms with multiples that how roomy a portable crib happens to be would be just as important as being lightweight and managable.
I hope that some of the moms with twins that visit Unique Baby Boy and Girl Nursery Themes, Gear and Decorating Ideas will share their opinions on this subject.
Good luck on winning a free baby carrier in our Baby Bjorn carrier giveaway.