Assembly Instructions Manual for a Morigeau Lepine #6294 Crib
by Sherry
(wilmington, de)
I need assembly instructions for a Morigeau Lepine #6294 crib canada 1994, purchased at Closic's.
Does anyone have have a copy of the instructions manual that they would be willing to share?
If you know of a download available online, please post the link below in the comments section.
Go here to see 
what replacement parts or assembly instructions might be available to purchase for your Model 6294 Morigeau Lepine baby crib.
Unique Baby Gear Ideas hopes that our visitors who have a copy of the assembly instructions for this crib (please verify that it is not a banned drop side or involved in a recall) will scan and email a copy to Sherry and to us so that we can offer it as a download to other parents.
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