Read My Action Baby Carrier Review to see if the Action Carrier is Best for You

The Action Carrier that I received for the Action Baby Carrier review is called the Action Expedition Carrier. The package came right before Columbus day and when I unpacked it for a quick look I couldn’t help but think how beautifully appropriate the vintage world map print of the fabric was given the date.
Which Baby Carrier is the best, safest carrier available?

Action Carrier

Highly Rated Carriers

Most Comfy Carriers

Memories of singing the Columbus song in school were dancing in my head. On a more serious note, my husband said that he liked its looks and that he would not mind wearing this carrier and that is very important as we have more than one little one.

action expedition front and back baby toddler infant carrier

The first thing that I would like to focus on in my Action Baby Carrier review is that this product is spectacularly comfortable to wear. It’s cool looking, but the true beauty of this product is not in the appearance it’s in the straps. Your opinions may differ from the ones I have shared in this Action Baby Carrier Review, but those wonderful wide, padded straps were a treat for me. When my heavy toddler, who is starting to take her toll on mom’s aching back and shoulders, was on board the carrier did a great job of helping to distribute her weight.

Which is the Best Baby Carrier

Take a moment to share your experiences with the Action baby carrier.

My little passenger’s comfort is just as important as my own, so I’m happy to say that my daughter’s Action Baby Carrier review is just as favorable as her mom’s as far as comfort is concerned. No pinching on her little legs or anything that caused her to fidget as she tends to do when she is uncomfortable. She doesn’t concern herself with stuff like stitching and fabric like I do but if she did I’m sure that she would agree with me that all of that is well done.

Characteristics that contribute to comfort:

  1. the width of the straps where they rest on my shoulders (3 inches wide) and the thick padding (almost ¾ inch thick)
  2. the thickness of the padding is not the only bonus, the density is excellent
  3. the extra wide height of the waistband (4 inches wide) that has the same deep padding as the shoulder straps

Putting together a combination toddler and infant carrier that is this sturdy is no small feat considering how lightweight the carrier is. The webbing of the hip strap is top quality and the quick connectors seem substantial enough to reassure even the most nervous of beginner baby wearers.

I’ll close my part of the Action Baby Carrier review with a big thumb’s up for this product and by posting the specs for the carrier in case you are the detail oriented type.

The carrier is soft, lightweight baby carrier providing comfort and style at an affordable price. The Action Baby Carrier is a great option for parents who prefer to buy one carrier for use from the time their baby is an infant through the toddler years that can be used for both front and baby carries.


  • Convenient sleeping hood
  • Hip belt that easily adjusts from 28" to 51" with no extender belt
  • Easily foldable to a size that fits into your diaper bag or purse
  • Lightweight, breathable material that is supportive and sturdy
  • Can be used for both front, and back carry positions
  • Appropriate for infants to 40 pounds
  • Chest safety strap
  • A quality product that is made in the U.S.A.

The best baby carrier reviews provide the height and weight of the mom that is sharing her opinions because this has a bearing on whether your experience will or will not be similar.

I am 5'7" tall and my waist (right now, but I'm working on it, OK?) is 34 inches. However, I had a skinny friend who is a size 3 carry one of my girls in it and it adjusted to fit her in a jiffy and I feel that if she were to write an Action Baby Carrier Review it would be similar to mine.

Feel free to browse our site to find more reviews of baby carriers just as informative as this Action Baby Carrier review as well as baby gear reviews of all kinds written by real moms.

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