35 Weeks Pregnant Pictures

by Thelaine
(Va, Usa)

35 Weeks Pregnant Pictures

35 Weeks Pregnant Pictures

I planned for my 35 weeks pregnant pictures to be cute yet sexy. Now that you've seen my photos, I will share my pregnancy story. Apparently I got pregnant on May 31st. If I am accurate in my supposition and that is the case, we were at our house and had had a couple of beers that night. (LOL) but we weren't trying to get pregnant in fact I was using birth control.

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Even though the pregnancy was unplanned we were very excited. I decided to have some cute but sexy photos taken for my husband's birthday when I was 35 weeks pregnant. The pictures taken by a friend turned out great and my husband loved his gift.

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U look great
by: Anonymous

You look awesome! Yes i do believe any man would have loved them sexy pics! LoL

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