Baby Wishing Well and Money Shower Invitation Wording and Decoration Ideas

A money shower provides a helpful boost to couples expecting a baby, newlyweds just starting to keep house as well as established couples who may be going through an illness or other difficulties. Without question, money is always an appropriate gift. There are differences of opinions on this theme; both pro and con and compelling arguments on both sides of the fence as to whether it's tacky to ask for guests to bring money in lieu of presents.

money tree shower baby bridal centerpiece decorations party money dollar bill tree

There seemed to be more hostesses and guests in favor of money showers for bridal showers rather than to celebrate the birth of a new baby. People have been having "pounding" or "housewarming" parties for centuries and there are cultures where wedding guests pin dollar bills on the bride’s gown while the dancing is in full swing at the reception, so gifts of cold hard cash for newlyweds is more accepted than gifts of cash for babies.

I have to tell you that etiquette books authored by the esteemed Miss Emily Post has all sorts of rules and restrictions about when and where gifts of cash are appropriate and even then there are rules as to how the greenbacks are to be given.

See more money shower

ideas and themes here.

If you want to learn more about the rules of etiquette the library has all of the reading material you want. In this article we will suggest cute decorations and ideas for invitation wording and tips for how to decorate a money themed baby shower, reception or bridal party.

Decorated homemade wishing well bridal or money baby shower gift card box
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Stock up on the green ink and get ready to waste a dollar bill or enlarge a few pieces of Monopoly play money. Scan the bill and insert a picture of a baby or a bride in the medallion or center of the bill. Here’s an example of a short poem that I saw somebody use as their baby shower invitation poem:

A baby shower invitation poem that you wrote yourself is always a lovely touch.

Baby Shower Invitation

Poem Examples

Mommy loves stuff from Mommy n Me
but it would be grand
if YOUR gift could be
just a little green
pinned on the money tree.

Decorated homemade wishing well bridal or money baby shower gift card box
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Newlywed Money Tree Shower Invitation Poem

This couple has towels and tableware for two They even have cookware, scrub pads and glue!

So what should you buy for a pair like this? Whose home is already set up in bliss?

Well, they have little furniture And the appliances aren't new for sure

So maybe best wishes and a little extra dough Would be the very best way to go

Instead of another blender when they have little room
Let’s give a little money to the Bride and the Groom

You might want to list some places that the mom or the couple is registered for those that feel monetary gifts are inappropriate. If history is any indication, there may be some people who are downright insulted by the idea of a money shower.

Here’s one that gives the guest the option to purchase a gift card:


Tableware, they have plenty, Enough pots for their own store.

But they’ve bought an old house And there’s a lot to do

Manual labor’s an issue but supplies cost lots too

So if you want gift ideas Gift cards from Home Depot will suit

Help us buy two by fours To make our home cute


The shower centerpiece could be a diaper cake (you can make your own diaper cake from our free instructions) that’s been decorated with crisp, green dollar bills and shiny new coins. One hostess who was an excellent crafter made all kinds of flowers and rosebuds out of dollar bills to use as the diaper cake’s topper! For those who don’t do paper crafts, gather your dollar bills with a rubber band to make them seem more “floral” in appearance. Another idea would be to plait dollar bills into chains (remember how we used to make gum wrapper garlands?) to drape around the cake’s layers.

If you don’t want to take the time to make a diaper cake centerpiece here are a few baby shower ideas that will help you to create alternative table decorations for your money shower

  • Buy a wishing well like the ones you see in people’s yards and place a plaque at the base directing the guests to place their “gifts” in the bucket and “make a wish”
  • Buy a small shrub at the discount garden center and cover the pot with gold lame’ fabric tied with a gold cord. Supply the guests with gold envelopes so they can seal their gifts and then use gold clothespins or paper clips to pin their gifts on the branches of the tree. Don’t forget to have a greenback dollar corsage with gold or green and cream color ribbons!

    In keeping with the money theme of the occasion, party favors could be anything printed to look like money. If the guests didn’t part with their last nickel and dime, a small coin purse or money clip would be cute!


    Food and entertainment will make or break any party or baby shower, but these elements are especially crucial for this party theme. I have warned that there may be some rumblings among your invited guests about requests for gift certificates or gifts of cash, so make sure that the friends who attend the party are well fed and entertained. The good thing about a money shower theme is that practically any menu will be fine so long as the food’s good and there’s lots of it!


    Example: Do you have some decorating ideas for the money tree or wishing well? How did you decorate the cake? Would you like to share a poem or wording that you used for your invitations?

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    Money Luau Shower Ideas Not rated yet
    I need some money luau shower ideas for a shower that I'm having next month. We are having an outdoor bahama/luau shower theme in July and I plan to decorate …

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    Don't forget to return to Unique Baby Gear Ideas to share your wishing well baby shower pictures!

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